Kiran Methuku

Hey! I'm Kiran.

I'm a web developer with a user-driven mindset.
I design and build robust applications that are engaging and intuitive to navigate. Above all, I believe in delivering value continuously by shipping fast, quality code 🚀.
I believe the best engineers are multidisciplinary. On top of my technical skills, I have proven experience in market research, project management, and client relations and have managed multinational market research projects. Armed with thorough, actionable research findings, my team's Fortune 500 clients have been able to confidently launch products around the world.
When I'm not programming, I enjoy baking (I make the world's best sugar-free chocolate chip cookies, guaranteed 🍪) and reading. Some of my favorite books include Ender's Game and The Graveyard Book.

Selected Projects

A client management tool for personal trainers. Trainers can assign workout plans and hold virtual training sessions using the video chat interface with integrated exercise timer.

Created and deployed Fitome with a distributed Agile team of 4 developers

Built reusable UI components using React and Hooks with Next.js

Configured PWA service worker to handle client-side caching and offline access with Google Workbox

Implemented state management with Redux and handled asynchronous operations with Redux Thunk

Designed and built an extensive relational database using PostgreSQL

Set up MVC-compliant REST API with Express optimized to reduce network load

React, Redux, SimplePeer,, Google Workbox, Next.js, Firebase, Express, PostgreSQL

A flashcard sharing application made for lifelong learners. Users can create decks, search for available decks, save and study decks using the flashcards interface, and more.

Built Cardshare from the ground up as solo developer

Engineered component-based architecture using React and Hooks with Next.js

Designed search algorithm to filter JSON data fetched via Google Books API

Implemented authentication and authorization with Firebase

Crafted a seamless and responsive cross-platform compatible UI using BEM CSS

Set up MVC-compliant REST API with Node.js, Express, and MongoDB

TypeScript, React, Next.js, Firebase, Express, MongoDB, Jest, SuperTest


Contact Me

I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out on LinkedIn or GitHub or shoot me an email at